
Do We Really Need A Special CommTech Stack?

by Uwe Seebacher on Jun 24, 2023

Do We Really Need A Special CommTech Stack?

The Future of Integrated Corporate Interaction

In the rapidly evolving landscape of corporate communication, the traditional siloed approach is no longer effective. To meet the demands of the modern digital era, corporate communication must join forces with marketing and sales, aligning their principles, strategies, and technologies. In this thought-provoking blog post, we explore why corporate communication needs to embrace the same concepts as marketing and sales, integrate their technology stacks, and leverage data-driven insights to deliver successful the change from 121 communication towards A2A Interaction excellence experiences. By doing so, organizations can unlock significant benefits, including cost savings, increased insights on information clients, and faster, more effective communication. However, failing to adapt and continue in isolation poses risks such as burning money, reputational damage, and slow adaptation to changing contingencies.

I. The Convergence of Corporate Communication, Marketing, and Sales

  1. The Power of Alignment
    Corporate communication, marketing, and sales are interdependent functions that collectively contribute to an organization's success. By aligning their strategies and working together, organizations can create a cohesive customer journey that enhances brand perception, drives conversions, and fosters meaningful connections with target audiences.

  2. Applying Marketing and Sales Principles to Corporate Communication
    To ensure consistent and impactful communication, corporate communication must adopt the same principles as marketing and sales. This includes understanding buyer personas, mapping the customer journey, and leveraging automation to deliver personalized and timely messaging. By leveraging these tested concepts, organizations can create a seamless and engaging experience for their information clients.

II. The Role of Data and Technology in Integrated Communication

  1. Unlocking 360-Degree Data Insights
    To develop effective 24/7 A2A institutional interactions organizations need comprehensive data insights. By integrating data from marketing, sales, and other sources, corporate communication teams can gain a holistic view of their information clients. This enables them to tailor their messages, anticipate needs, and deliver personalized experiences that resonate with their target audience. The buzz word is also from Account-based Marketing to Segment-based Interaction.

  2. Predictive Intelligence for Sustainable Success
    The use of predictive intelligence further enhances the effectiveness of corporate communication. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning, organizations can anticipate client needs, identify emerging trends, and proactively adapt their communication strategies. This shift towards anticipatory communication fosters stronger relationships and positions organizations as trusted partners in their clients' journey.

III. Embracing Integrated Technology Stacks

  1. Leveraging Existing Marketing and Sales Technology Stacks
    Corporate communication can significantly benefit from leveraging the technology stacks already established by marketing and sales teams. By integrating communication tools, customer relationship management systems, and automation platforms, organizations can streamline processes, eliminate redundant IT structures, and enhance data management capabilities.

  2. Recognizing the Role of Clients in Different Functions
    While marketing and sales focus on product clients, corporate communication serves information clients, and human resources caters to job clients. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that they all have one thing in common—they are clients. By adopting this client-centric mindset and leveraging shared technology stacks, organizations can foster consistency, collaboration, and a unified brand experience across all touchpoints.

IV. The Benefits of Integrated Corporate Communication

  1. Cost Savings and Efficiency Gains
    By breaking down communication silos and leveraging shared technology stacks, organizations can achieve substantial cost savings. Reducing redundant IT structures, eliminating duplicated efforts, and streamlining processes can lead to cost reductions of more than 80% compared to continuing with isolated communication approaches.

  2. Deeper Insights on Information Clients
    Integrated corporate communication allows organizations to gain deeper insights into their information clients. By leveraging data analytics and predictive intelligence, organizations can understand client preferences, behavior patterns, and communication preferences. This insight enables them to deliver more targeted, relevant, and impactful messages, ultimately strengthening client relationships.

  3. Increased Agility and Responsiveness
    Integrated communication enables organizations to respond quickly and effectively to emerging opportunities and challenges. By leveraging shared technology stacks, organizations can adapt their communication strategies in real-time, ensuring they remain agile and responsive in an ever-changing business landscape.

V. The Risks of Isolated Corporate Communication

  1. Burning Money and Missed Opportunities
    Continuing with isolated communication approaches not only leads to redundant IT structures and duplicated efforts but also results in significant financial waste. Organizations that fail to integrate communication functions risk burning money on ineffective communication strategies and missed opportunities to engage and connect with their target audience.

  2. Shitstorms and Reputational Damage
    In today's digital age, reputation is everything. Isolated corporate communication can leave organizations vulnerable to negative publicity, online backlash, and potential reputation crises. Without an integrated approach, organizations may struggle to effectively address issues, respond to customer feedback, and manage their brand perception.

  3. Slow Adaptation to Changing Contingencies
    Isolated corporate communication often lacks the agility needed to adapt quickly to changing contingencies. In an ever-evolving business landscape, organizations must be nimble and responsive to emerging trends, crises, and customer needs. Failing to adapt and change in a timely manner can result in missed opportunities and diminished brand relevance.


The future of corporate communication lies in integration, alignment, and the adoption of proven principles and technologies from marketing and sales. By embracing an integrated approach, leveraging shared technology stacks, and harnessing the power of data and predictive intelligence, organizations can unlock significant benefits and achieve sustainable success. The risks of continuing with isolated communication approaches are too great, including financial waste, reputational damage, and the inability to adapt to changing contingencies. It's time to break down communication silos, embrace integration, and propel corporate communication into a new era of effectiveness, efficiency, and client-centricity.

In my book "Reengineering Corporate Communication (Springer 2022) you can find all what you need, whether you are a communicator, manager or marketing manager, in order to orchestrate Corporate Communication, Marketing and Sales and with this take the road of the winners in all dimensions. 

If you want to get more insights or discuss your individual challenge, then do not hesitate to contact me through my Contact form or even directly request for a meeting. I look forward talking to you and your colleagues.